HELEN PONTING is a retired police supervisor and qualified trainer with a degree in Education and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education. As an operational police officer and trainer she has proven skills and knowledge in communication, managing and planning people interactions, coaching, personal and leadership development.
Nandini Vaidyanathan
M. Anil Ramesh, Priya Grover & Sabyasachi Dasgupta
Rajesh Jain
DAVID POSEN, M.D., is a family physician who counsels patients on stress and lifestyle management. He is also a leading speaker and trainer in the areas of stress mastery, change management and work-life balance, lecturing widely across North America. He is the bestselling author of The Little Book of Stress Relief and Always Change a Losing Game.
George Ilian
Saroj Datta, Mercy Mathew
Marilyn Norris, William R. Bigler
Steve Anderson
Og Mandino left the presidency of Success Unlimited, the Chicago-based magazine, with a positive mental attitude in 1976, at the age of 52. He then devoted himself full time to writing and lecturing. As one of the most sought after speakers in the country
Matthew Partridge
Vineet Bajpai
Robin Sharma
Mark Holmes
Harley Manning, Kerry Bodine
Showing 361 to 390 of 535 results