All of us seek knowledge and wisdom that will unlock new doors and possibilities, eventually leading us to a happier and better life. This process often leads us to ask the big questions: ‘who am i?’, ‘what is the purpose of life?’, ‘what is true happiness?’, ‘How can we alleviate suffering?’, and so forth.
Shubha Vilas is a TEDx speaker, lifestyle coach, storyteller and author. He studied patent law after completing his engineering degree. But, finally, he chose the path of a spiritual seeker. Ramayana:The Game of Life is his bestselling series
Seekers the world over intuitively perceive India as the land of spirituality. As such, there exists an inherent curiosity to understand its ancient knowledge systems through Hinduism. In its heritage are the rarest of holy treasures revealed to the rishis of yore through mystical practices and divine grace.
he Bhagavad Gita is India’s most celebrated and enlightening spiritual text. Set over 7,500 years ago on the verge of an epic battle, the Gita is a unique and enthralling philosophical conversation between the Supreme Being Shri Krishna and his dear friend, the mighty warrior Arjuna.
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