Rhonda Byrne
Jan Yager is the author of 46 books translated into 34 languages including seven titles on time management such as Work Less, Do More. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology from The City University of New York Graduate Center. For more on this award-winning author, speaker, entrepreneur, and coach.
ALISSA CARPENTER is a multigenerational workplace expert and owner of Everything’s Not Ok and That’s OK, where she provides training, consulting, and speaking services to organizations all over the world. Carpenter has delivered a TEDx talk on authentic workplace communication, and has been featured in media outlets including Forbes, ABC, FOX, and CNN Money.
Patrick King
Michael Brown
A Founder & Director of ZEAL, RAJAN has established a respected Indian training/self development organization. With over 15,000 hours of personal investment in training, Rajan has touched the lives of over 20,000 people from various spectrums, helping them to realize their potential.
HARRIET GRIFFEY is a journalist, writer and author of numerous books focused on health. She originally trained as a nurse and writes and broadcasts regularly on health and health-related issues.
Giles Lury
TJ HOISINGTON is the founder of Hoisington Leadership International, an organization dedicated to helping individuals and organizations reach their unlimited potential. Instrumental in creating two multi million-dollar corporations, Hoisington has spent nearly half his life discovering the habits and strategies of the world’s top achievers
Dr A P J Abdul Kalam
SWATI R SHIV, a long-time practitioner of hypnotherapy and past-life therapy, specializes in healing emotional trauma caused by unknown factors. Her work focuses on understanding the soul and discovering happiness through treatment of physical diseases, relationship conflicts, confidence issues, phobias, negative spirit attachments and much else. Swati is based in Delhi, India.
Arun Chaudhuri
Akshat Agrawal
Kamla K. Kapur is a bestselling poet, author, and playwright. Kapur taught courses in play writing, poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, mythology, Shakespeare, and women’s literature at Grossmont College in California for eighteen years. She and her husband divide their year living in the Kullu Valley in the Indian Himalayas and in Southern California.
Daniel Pecaut, Corey Wrenn
PETER COLWELL is a certified trainer of the Dale Carnegie Skills for Success Course and creator of an award-winning leadership development program for a Fortune 500 company. He is the author of Spell SUCCESS in Your Life: A Roadmap for Achieving Your Goals and Surviving Success, which became a non-fiction bestseller in India and has been published in eight countries.
George Ilian
Jack Straight From The Gut
LYNN WILFORD SCARBOROUGH is a sought-after news consultant and media trainer. With more than 15 years of experience, she has conducted 6,000 personal training sessions for journalists such as Catherine Crier, Paula Zahn, Deborah Norville, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Forrest Sawyer, and many television news anchors.
Showing 181 to 210 of 535 results