Ankita Hundekar

Author Ankita Hundekar, daughter of Manjunath Hundekar, is a young author from Karnataka. She’s written two books.
“The Definite Part Of Indefinite Life” which was launched by Shri Basavraj Horatti , Speaker, Vidhan Parishad Bangalore in ‘Digamabar Jain Boarding’ and her other book “Another Chapter To Be Told” received good responses.

Ankita completed her degree in Bachelor of Tourism and while struggling for her profession, she found her passion. Ankita is a passionate writer who loves playing with words. She says that playing with words is a lot better than playing with emotions.

During her school life, she cleared many competitive examinations and wrote poems as a stress buster. Then, she started taking part in anthologies and compiled various books as well.

She believes in inspiring others and getting inspired by others. She has won the title of “The Best Writer” by Awards Arc. She hopes to achieve more titles and succeed more.

She took writing very seriously during this pandemic. The world was disheartened being at home, while Ankita was very content. She has read more than 300 books and wishes to read as many as possible. She writes every word from her heart.